Ishope on video

ISHOPE – Passage to the JAMBO program on Canal 2 International

ISHOPE at JAMBO – Passage of July 24, 2022 to Canal 2 International 2022
ISHOPE is represented by the Founding President (Mr. Rolland Faouzi Salou) along with the Chef (Mr. Doumbe Vincent) and the Pastry Chef (Mr. Goufack Aristide).

ISHOPE International School, follow us on:

Visit to ISHOPE by the General Manager of the Hilton Hotel on May 2022

Visit to ISHOPE by the General Manager of the Hilton Hotel.
Agreements of choice to best meet the needs of the job market in the hotel and restaurant industry!

ISHOPE International School, follow us on:

ISHOPE – Ready meals on May 2022

Express the hidden talent within you!!!< /strong>

After only , the geniuses reveal themselves. Live in pictures the achievements of the learners arrived!

What are you waiting for to join us???

ISHOPE International School, follow us on:

PFAC & ISHOPE seminar – mastering indicators as a guarantee of profitability in hotels and catering on April 2022


March 22, 2022 was held within our campus, in collaboration with PFAC Cameroon, a seminar on the theme: CONTROL OF INDICATORS, GUARANTEE OF PROFITABILITY IN HOTELS AND CATERING.

Relive this event in pictures!!!

ISHOPE at the open days of the polyvalent lycee of bonaberie on April 2022


Visit to ISHOPE by students from the Akwa Technical High School on April 2022

Our dishes of the week at ISHOPE on March 2022

As usual, the week ends with good flavors at ISHOPE. Our learners make us discover in pictures their achievements of the week. It’s hard to choose, isn’t it…

Get trained at ISHOPE and become the professionals of tomorrow.

ISHOPE, International Hotel and Restaurant School.

Located in Douala-Bonanjo, opposite the hotel La Falaise-Bonanjo.</p >

Passage Ishope at Jambo from November 07, 2021

ISHOPE video spot on October 2021